Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Oz21 c- 30/09 Mackay fix bike day

Getting rear tyre replaced with one more suitable for the Queensland roads,
and other minor fixes:   new padded gloves, toe straps, speedo battery.
The next challenge will be the >300k to Rockhampton with very little in between.

Oz20 c10 29/09 59k785 Calen-Mackay

Again, magpie attacks.
Got into Mackay just before tropical downpour.   Weather pattern emerging.   Dry mornings, wet afternoons.

Oz19 c9 28/09 73k726 Proserpine-Calen

More attacks by magpies.
Puncture #6.   Decided to take shortest route to Mackay to get tyre replaced, so cot out detour to Airlie Baech.

Oz18 c8 27/09 73k652 Bowen-Proserpine

Bought small tent, added to load.
First fall, minor abrasions.
Attacked by magpies, diving and hitting/pecking at helmet.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Oz17 c7 26/09 121k580 Ayr-Bowen

Longest ride yet.
Intended destination no accomodation, pushed on for an extra 45k.   Must get a tent.
Punctures #4&5.   Must replace tyre or wheel.

Oz16 c6 25/09 94k459 Townsville-Ayr

Met a young couple from Cardigan working in Ayr.
Stayed at a backpackers hostel

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Oz15 c5 24/09 71k365 Mutarnee-Townsville

day long drizzle
ended up at a beach side resort with super facilities out of season

Oz14 c4 23/09 97k294 Cardwell-Mutarnee via Ingham

1st long run, helped by cooling breeze off the sea. 
Missed intended village, parked at next.
Camper site: for = swimming pool, against = no alcohol for sale

Oz13 c3 22/09 64k197 Diggers Creek - Cardwell

Puncture #3, got bike shop to check tyre OK.
Lucky with the weather: showers, then the heavens opened 30mins after I checked in to my hostel

Monday, 20 September 2010

Oz12 c2 21/09 72k133 Babinda - Diggers Creek

Continuous rain but mild sunburn (how's that happen?), strong headwinds, intended destination Silkwood only hotel closed, continued to Diggers Creek, 72k

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Oz11 Cycleday1 60k 20/09 Cairns - Babinda

Fcast: many showers 28C 81% 9kph SSE

Actual: many showers, strong headwind, 2 punctures, 60k

Sunday, 12 September 2010